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reset your inner voice

with NLP Coaching for Performers


NLP coaching for Performers can help with:

  • Performance anxiety & fear

  • Confidence issues

  • Stress

  • Health, wellbeing and Mental Health

  • Self development

Here at mtda we have an intrinsic ethos towards promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in young performers.


"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't...

you're right~ Henry Ford


As a performer or training performer there are often many times when you feel things just get too much. You start feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed with upcoming performances and/or auditions.  You get lost in your thoughts and you just can't see a way out.


Well if any of these thoughts resonate with you then NLP Coaching and Mindset Transformation could be for you! But what is NLP?


NLP is described by David Molden and Pat Hitchinson in the book 'Brilliant NLP' as follows:


“NLP is a set of tools and techniques to help deal with unhelpful patterns of thought and behaviour (some you won’t even know you have) and to introduce new, positive and constructive ways to improve your life.”


NLP works at the unconscious level so the changes in your thinking become automatic. NLP is result and solution focused and doesn't require the individual to discuss their problems at length for results to be achieved. As long as the individual shares enough the NLP practitioner will be able to help the individual fix their problem.   


As always, one size doesn't fit all! Depending upon the individual specific techniques and toolkits are considered and worked through.


You have to remember though, the practitioner can help you unlock your thought process however it is the responsibility of the individual to carry it out!!


Claire Morey

Claire Morley

NLP is embedded throughout everything we do at mtda; in our Masterclasses, our coaching sessions and even in our marketing.


We provide private and confidential 'Reset Your Inner Voice' one-to-one coaching; face to face or online via Zoom. Our sessions are designed to last for 1 hour.


NLP coaching can help with:

  • Performance anxiety & fear

  • Confidence issues

  • Stress

  • Health, wellbeing and Mental Health

  • Self development


If you are interested in finding out whether a Reset Your Inner Voice coaching session is right for you then enquire for a FREE consultation now!!

Claire is a fully qualified NLP and Timeline 

Therapy practitioner and coach and 

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alongside Alex have some 35 years of collective experience developing and nurturing young performers; encouraging their skills development whilst understanding the importance

of their individual identities and their own mental health and wellbeing. 

Alex Dengate


'I have a singing/voice block' 

'I am insecure about my voice'


If it is specifically your voice you are having difficulties with then signing up for our 'VOICE BLOCK' programme is the first step to 'Releasing Your Voice' and 'Resetting Your Inner Voice'.


The voice is such a personal thing and sometimes we get hung up on how we sound and feel when using our voice and it affects our performance and delivery.


Why not combine a 'Release Your Inner Voice' NLP session with a 'Release Your Voice' session and have both Claire and Alex simultaneously coach you?  


The results from these dual sessions can be quite remarkable and are conducted in a relaxed and supportive manner.


Is you are interested in finding out whether a VOICE BLOCK coaching session is right for you then enquire about a FREE consultation now!

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